From time to time, I ride Atlanta's rail transit. This morning was the first time I got on since my Little Rock trip in June 2008 (I took MARTA to the airport). I'm writing this short post because a fellow rider recently wrote an opinion editorial in Atlanta's newspaper -- The Atlanta Journal Constitution -- about how the system failed her one day. Yes, in my 19 years here, it has happened to me on a few occasions, but for the most part, MARTA saves me on gas and frustration. This morning I had the opportunity to finish David Sedaris' new book When You Are Engulfed In Flames. I'm bringing this book up in the travel blog because Sedaris not only does a great job at hilarious storytelling, but he brings up descriptions of locations including Paris and Tokyo. After reading When You Are Engulfed In Flames, I seriously need to get to Tokyo and even Hiroshima! If you want an excellent summer read, pick up this new volume.