When did Halloween traffic become so awful in our area?
When did this whole Halloween traffic-thing begin? I didn't notice this "phenomenon " until I moved to the Atlanta metro area more than a quarter century ago. Through the years, it's become worse as a whole. Certain years have been worse than others, but overall, the experience of attempting to negotiate our surface streets and highways has been more than challenging. Still, I'm wondering: When did this madness begin? Cami says that adults have been getting in on the Halloween fun more over the years thus, parents are driving their kids to houses and more importantly, Halloween house parties. I agree, but I add that parents have become more than engaged in their children's lives, perhaps a bit too engaged. Maybe that's a bit of a harsh assessment, but many - not all- parents are clogging up the roads racing from work to get back and get involved in Halloween. OK, parents have every right to get into the Halloween spirit, but maybe for many, it...