The Atlanta Streetcar is facing many challenges...stay tuned

From YouTube Along with hundreds of others out there, I cheered on the idea of the Atlanta streetcar, but was skeptical of its long-term survival. I was optimistic because a people-mover using existing thoroughfares is good idea. As a commuter, runner, cyclist, walker, I love the idea of alternative forms of transportation in a city filled with so much 'car madness.' So, the idea of a well-functioning streetcar system that can whisk residents and tourists from Point A to Point B in a convenient, safe and affordable manner is a great idea. Indeed this is the early stages of the streetcar grid. Right now, it's a short loop that goes only a few miles out. I joke that I can probably out-run the streetcar. However, I like the look and quality of the cars. I also like the idea that those who visit the downtown area can hop on the cars and go a few miles to a very few other attractions. I never once thought that the streetcar was a solution to gridlock. Rather, I always...