Georgia's war on distracted driving

Photo by Robert J Nebel - this photo was taken while on foot so I didn't break any future laws. There’s been quite a brouhaha over Governor Deal’s signing of House Bill 673. In case you missed it, House 673 is the new distracted driving bill. This piece of legislation is designed to stop Peach State drivers from operating their vehicles while using electronic devices that are not hands-free. So, if you’re driving and talking or texting on your mobile phone while holding it to your ear, you’re in violation of the law. The law takes effect on July 1. What’s also prohibited in House Bill 673 is the driver watching a video or movie on his or her mobile phone while driving. Obviously, passengers are exempt from this video-watching measure, but is the legislation going far enough with drivers when it comes to other activities? What about eating a meatball parmesan sandwich while driving? How about reading the newspaper while driving? Then there is the proverbial driver who e...