Electronic scooters continue to invade America's cities

There are a few things in life that are guaranteed. Death, taxes and now… parked electronic scooters. With the proliferation of these scooters, cities like Atlanta have been blanketed by scooters for at least the past year. Walking around the downtown portion of the city is like participating in a game of Dodgeball. One must dodge the moving and parked scooters on the sidewalks. It’s one thing that there are several scooters flooding downtown Atlanta. It’s quite another when it’s a windy day. On those days, it’s goodbye to parked scooters standing up on their wheels and hello tripping over these devices. That scenario is bad for all of us, but even worse for the disabled. Let’s face it, the electronic scooters need to be corralled so that we don’t trip over them. The city of Atlanta put a ban on e-scooters on sidewalks at the beginning of the year. The ban says that users must leave the scooters upright and at least five feet from sidewalks. Police and the city’s Public W...