Sign of the times in spring 2020

Morguefile/ pawankawan As of this writing, the great outdoors is a ghost town in certain respects. As I run, jog or walk in the neighborhood, I see fellow residents on the sidewalks and/or paths. They're a bit more active these days and for good reason. We need to get outside of our four walls to forget about the pandemic for a while. Thus far, we all follow the CDC protocols and distance ourselves. I have yet to encounter anyone violating the guidelines. Although, I do witness neighborhood cyclists crowding a bit much. Perhaps being on the bikes gives cycling groups a sense of security -- albeit that is quite false in reality. I also observed some construction workers crowding up a bit. As I make my way on the neighborhood paths, I try not to take it all as an insult as we all step out of each other's way, but that is quite difficult whether one is insecure or not insecure. I'm confident that anyone reading this in late March 2020 will agree that socia...