May is bursting out all over in the Peach State

May flowers are certainly popping up everywhere. The school year is winding down as folks look to head out of town Memorial Day weekend. Before all of that of course, are graduation ceremonies including one in my household. Spring fever is in full bloom and with that comes low voter turnout? What? Yes, that’s right, there is yet another Election Day here in Georgia.

“Didn’t we have already have an Election Day back in March?” one might ask.

Indeed we did, but that election was an early presidential primary preference day. That day was a huge score for Georgia’s secretary of state who put the state in serious play between the myriad of candidates on the Republican side and the two on the Democratic side.

That Election Day in March just scraped the surface. In my view, the more important Election Day comes on May 24th when we chose candidates for offices that have a more direct impact on us in the Peach State. A great example of that scenario is in my neck of the woods on the Republican side at least for State House district 95 between two solid candidates. People in my area who live in the city of Peachtree Corners also havea chance to vote in a city election for an open council seat.  To vote in that election, citizens of the city need to vote at the local city hall. Again, both incredibly talented candidates are in that race as well.

I’m floored by how many creative, intelligent people we have in my adopted hometown and throughout the state who are eager to get involved in public service.

Aside from choosing candidates, important questions will be posed to voters on these upcoming ballots. If one cannot make it to the polls on May 24, there are a number of options for early voting.

Of course, the huge ‘enchilada’ of voting days is the Election Day in November when the entire country will cast ballots for president in addition to a number of other offices on the federal, state and county levels.

Speaking of the month of May, my outdoor running continues on the heels of the half marathon I completed this spring and the more recent intense 5K I did with my colleagues. It was ironic that I was a bit sorer after the 5K than the 13.1 miler I did one month prior. Obviously I was doing the 5K more for time which my quads, knees and ankles did not thank me for recently. As I’m looking forward to the AJC Peachtree Road Race in July, at times I feel like I somewhat hit the reset button after that 5K.

While I run around ‘The Corners,’ I inhale plenty of spring’s offerings including that dreaded pollen and take in the strong odors from the Bradford pears – or so ‘they’ say that’s where the odor emanates from at this time of the year. When running, I still witness plenty of folks on their mobile devices. While it’s irresistible to avoid using the technology in this day and age, I’m amazed at how different I feel when I’m on foot. Still, I take it upon myself to observe my surroundings and seriously adjust myself around vehicles. After all, they’re a tad bigger than I am.

Whether you run, bike, hike, walk, drive, skate or picnic, enjoy your May and remember to vote for the candidate of your choice.


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