Chile Aid

Indeed I help to cover the news of tragedy. Sometimes it hits close to home as it did with me a few years back. A neighbor's mom was on a flight that crashed in Peru. I'm not sure of anyone else, but when that type of connection is established, it leaves me frozen-cold in my tracks.

The recent Chile Quake is another such tragedy that left me with similar feelings. I learned through Facebook that one of the finest interns that I have ever known was in the thick of the quake. She wrote me a moving letter describing her horrific experience.

I wrote her on a lark thinking that, well maybe, just maybe she was unaffected. I'm not sure where that wishful thinking comes from. After receiving the response, I'm now thinking about her and the scores of good people in Chile who are trying to repair their lives.

Here are some links to help:

Red Cross for Chile

Habitat for Humanity for Chile


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