They say it's your birthday
is my birthday. Just like every passing year, I don’t feel any different
psychologically, emotionally or physically. I didn’t wake up today and thought
to myself, “Uh-oh, everything is going off the rails starting today.” Give me a
are truly just a number. Why do we get worked up over birthdays and
not sure how it is in other countries or societies, but in the U.S., we are fixated
on numbers and measurements. We then let those figures dictate our thinking. We
would all be better off if we stopped fixating.
me, nothing is different today. I’m still here and thankful for that fact. So
what’s the huge deal? Indeed, I look completely different from my days growing
up on Ohio’s north coast. When I visit these days many do not recognize me. I’m sure
they walk away and are stunned that I’m a grown man. I suppose I can make a big
deal out of that, but I cannot because it’s natural.
all simply get older. So what. That’s fine with me. In many ways I’m better off. I think I feel better now than when I was 18.
That doesn’t mean I can go do all-nighters and then get up and take on a
zillion different activities. I know that I have to be sensible and to me, that’s
a challenge.
hope I have many active years ahead, but know full well, that isn’t guaranteed,
but what is guaranteed in this life – even if you take care of yourself?
Nothing is fair. Should that word even be in our vocabulary?
Don't get me wrong because like most folks, I feel special on each birthday, anniversary or even holiday, I don’t let those occasions
define me. Again, nothing has changed for me. I look pretty much the way I have
for a long time. I’ve been called “sir” for at least the past 15 years. The
bones and joints are doing fine, but I know I have to be careful and that’s the
takeaway for me on this special date. I just have to take care and hope that
there will be many good years ahead – and if there isn’t, well, then I’ll have
to deal with those challenges. I hope and pray that me and all the people near
and far to me enjoy good health and a peaceful existence.
would like to take the time and space here to thank everyone for the birthday
wishes. I am truly blessed to have all of you beautiful and talented people in
my life. As Louis Armstrong once sang, “What a wonderful world!”