Winter has had its ups and downs
Up, down and back again. That describes the strange winter weather temperatures that we have been experiencing this year in the Southeastern US. From snow in the early portion of winter to a number of humid February days, winter has been quite challenging. For those of us in the Atlanta metro area, winter wore out its welcome as it extended itself beyond the expiration date. Me and thousands of others realize that we shouldn’t complain. The stifling temps will be back before we know it as the AC units crank back up as well as the sweat factor. It's funny how easily we forget about summer’s wrath while we deal make our way through winter. Late autumn and winter are the Atlanta metro area’s respite from the heat. Where we haven’t been able to get a respite from is road construction. It seems to me that road and building construction have been at an all-time high for at least the past two years. Perhaps it’s only my perception, but I have been navigating construction proje...