Winter has had its ups and downs

Up, down and back again. That describes the strange winter weather temperatures that we have been experiencing this year in the Southeastern US. From snow in the early portion of winter to a number of humid February days, winter has been quite challenging. For those of us in the Atlanta metro area, winter wore out its welcome as it extended itself beyond the expiration date. Me and thousands of others realize that we shouldn’t complain. The stifling temps will be back before we know it as the AC units crank back up as well as the sweat factor. It's funny how easily we forget about summer’s wrath while we deal make our way through winter.

Late autumn and winter are the Atlanta metro area’s respite from the heat. Where we haven’t been able to get a respite from is road construction. It seems to me that road and building construction have been at an all-time high for at least the past two years. Perhaps it’s only my perception, but I have been navigating construction projects quite a bit these days and it doesn’t look to be letting up any time soon.

Minus the hassle of early 2017’s I-85 bridge collapse, there has been an overwhelming amount of highway paving, bridge repairs and in many cases, building construction that affects traffic flow. One does not need to look further than in Midtown Atlanta where there is a lot of lane closures due to high rises sprouting up faster than the weeds in the yards in which I continually mow.

As of this writing in March 2018, we are told that Atlanta metro area commuters will get a respite from construction traffic around the spring break (for many in the area) and Easter. That’s a great idea as folks scatter out of the metro area like cockroaches on Red Bull in search of fun, sun, sand, bodies of water and general entertainment at places like concert venues, bars and restaurants. I’m assuming that the interstates at points south of the metro area will be quite busy for vacation-seekers as well as local and state law enforcement.

Winter 2018 had its share of many stories, both tragic and uplifting. The one story that my attention was witnessing the March for Our Lives procession in downtown Atlanta. Over 30,000 people marched down the streets. I was able to get a few shots of the event which included US Rep. John Lewis, who led the procession.

A rather bittersweet event took place recently. Former Governor Zell Miller passed away at his North Georgia home. Many credit the former governor with being the architect of the state lottery and HOPE Scholarship. Like thousands of others, I remember Zell quite well. I met Zell on a few occasions, but it was in early 1993 when I got to hear Zell recount his introduction speech at the 1992 Democratic National Convention. Zell spoke with so much enthusiasm about giving that keynote speech and spoke so well of Texas Governor Ann Richards. Zell was such a character and of course, a great governor. He will be missed.


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