John McCutcheon profile

Here is the latest feature in which I produced, wrote, edited and distributed. This is a video about folk musician John McCutcheon , who released his 40th album in 2019. John's latest work is on folk legend Pete Seeger, who would have turned 100 years old this year. It was certainly a thrill to come back to Eddie's Attic in Decatur , Georgia to interview John for this project.An extra special thanks goes to my wonderful narrator Holly Firfer - who also hooked me up with camera-person extraordinaire Ammar Albadran ...and always a big thanks to copy editor Christian Duchateau for his constant encouragement and also for joining with me at the start line of many local races that are held in the Atlanta area. You may play the video by clicking on the second box below: This is a still of me interviewing John McCutcheon Check out the feature here: