Miss Tabitha and Gertrude

On my afternoon run, I noticed that one of my dear feline visitors was a number of houses down from my own. My first thought was, "That is one hussy. How dare she? I thought she was 'spoken for' at my house." OK, I admit to the dated language in my thought, but I was running after all, so the soreness has a lot to do with my thoughts. I'm speaking about Tabitha, that affectionate cat who poses for some nice photos for me. Apparently Tabitha goes from one family to the next. She has spent the night in my bed -- er, well, most of the night. Tabitha usually gets up by 6 a.m. wanting to get into the great outdoors. She is a bit of a nomad, but still has a lot of domestic qualities. 

Without further adieu, I have some new photos:

On occasion, Tabitha does not finish her meal so the possum who hangs out around the house, finishes things off on a semi-regular basis. I call this opossum "Gertrude." I'm hoping it's the same possum, but not quite sure.


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