Get to know your "Slow Poke Law"
Approximately 269 "Slow Poke Law" violations have
been issued in the Peach State by the Georgia State Patrol over a nine month
period. If you don't know exactly what the "Slow Poke Law" is,
chances are you could have been one of those who were cited. The "Slow Poke Law" -- with its latest
update went which into effect in July 2014 -- says that if you're traveling too
slow on a state highway's fast lane - and there are fellow motorists traveling
at a higher rate of speed, you need to safely get out of that lane.
Supporters of the "Slow Poke Law" say it exists to
reduce road rage incidents and aggressive/dangerous driving situations. In most
situations, it's common sense to get over if another motorist is riding your
tail. After all, who needs another irate driver out there, right? It's not that
the "Slow Poke Law" is necessarily a bad thing. Drivers just need to
be aware of their surroundings and let the faster vehicle proceed-whether it's
a car, SUV, mini-van, pickup truck, motorcycle or 18-wheeler.
Officers who pulled over folks for the "Slow Poke
Law" violation, say they were unaware of this rather new law. I'm
wondering if there were any in that group who were knowingly in violation of
the "Slow Poke Law," but had a bit of a dispute the law. While it's
tough to argue with the 'Slow Poke,' some will have or perhaps have had issues
with how she or he received the citation. Checking in by county, Cobb issued
200 citations while Gwinnett comes in at 100.
Aside from 'slow pokers' in the left lane, there's another
issue out on the roads: distracted drivers. Distracted driving becomes more
prevalent with each passing day. From the vantage point of a pedestrian, it's
even easier to see what goes on with many vehicles in motion. With loads of
people talking without a hands-free device to dining, it's no wonder that
distracted driving has been on the rise.
The act of speeding is superseded by the "Slow Poke Law."
Indeed, let law enforcement deal with the speeders, but with the 'lead-foot
crowd,' distracted drivers, 'slow poke drivers,' and other motorists driving
dangerously, it must be tough to play the role of 'road referee' as law
enforcement has to take on these days.
So stay safe out there and get to know your "Slow Poke